✨Where it all Begins ✨

Our fruit gems start with a visit to the local farmers' market, my favorites are Temescal and Montclair. The fresh fruit is washed, peeled, chopped, puréed/juiced and passed through a chinois —a fine mesh that looks like a cone— to remove any seeds.

These blackberries are organically grown by Rodriguez Farms and harvested in their Castroville farm, which is only 100 miles away from Oakland!

They will be cooked with St. George Spirits Terroir Gin  — which I specifically chose because of its uniqueness. Unlike your typical juniper forward gin, Terroir has a complex local blend of 12 botanicals featuring  coastal sage, bay leaf, and douglas fir, perfectly pairing with California grown blackberries. This flavor combo took a lot of recipe testing, probably being one of the hardest flavors to achieve!  The reason? The intense flavor of the blackberries needed a "healthy" amount of booze (the highest yet) which messed up with my ratios 🙃

I only got 1 crate of blackberries, just enough for 3 batches of Blackberry & Terroir Gin Pâte de fruit...Given the amount of spirits, the yield is smaller than usual, which means that only around 35 bags will be available. The first batch has already sailed but the second will be shipping next week 📫


💛 Yami


Sweeties for GOOD


Summer is not gone, yet